Impressive Magazine

PLM Solutions For The Cloud

Arena Solutions are the ones who opened up the gates for PLM software applications. The next question that naturally comes to our mind is what is PLM? PLM stands for Product Life Cycle management. It is completely an internet based application that is used in the management of a product including any associated information right from its concept level to the end.

Emergence of PLM 

The word product lifecycle management (PLM) came into existence during the late 90s. It emerged as a completely fresh form of enterprise software with its whole focus on the development of product. It was introduced as a reaction to stimulated design cycles along with the ever growing requirement for organizations to track the product data.

Before the arrival of PLM, the various options for product management were either the very pricey product data management (PDM) systems or paper-based solutions. They used to manage expansive aerospace and defence computer aided design (CAD) files. With PLM emerged a big solution for OEMs (original equipment manufacturers).

Why is Arena’s PLM So Popular? 

This application has gained a wide popularity with manufacturers from across the globe. The increasing popularity of PLM in the cloud is due to the fact that it can be utilized for managing various levels of product development that makes tracking, collaboration, and regulation of changes in a product a completely hassle-free affair.

Why Use Arena Solutions PLM in the Cloud? 

The various products of Arena Solutions like PDXViewer, Parts List, and BOMControl helps both management and engineering teams including their auxiliary supply chains in speeding up prototyping. Also, they help in bringing down the level of scrap thus streamlining supply chain management.

One of the biggest benefits of using their PLM software in the cloud application is that it helps in easing down the bill of materials. It also helps in changing management for any company, big or small. It even aids in maintaining an equilibrium and proper control at every level of a product lifecycle.

The cloud-based/SaaS applications of Arena Solutions allows the manufacturers in the best management of bills of materials (BOMs), product data exchange (PDX), Engineering Change Orders (ECOs), as well as any other significant manufacturing files in the most secured and effective method. Arena Solutions PLM software has enabled in a better performance for the manufacturers and engineers. The PLM in the cloud has a higher degree of functionality and flexibility.

Arena PDXViewer and Arena Parts List own the credit of being lightweight single-user applications. These two applications help manufacturers to quickly move forward with high level of efficiency while planning, corroborating, and sharing a prototype.

The BOMControl of Arena Solutions offers a centralized system of record to the manufacturers to aid them in controlling product revisions. It also helps the manufacturers in managing various engineering modification process. The BOMControl helps in sharing the latest BOMs with contract manufacturers, partners, and suppliers.

Through a well-knit integration of products with other manufacturing services like PDM, MCAD, EDA, and ERP, Arena helps in a proper product data movement from the designing stage to manufacturing.