In today’s day and age where we rely on fast food or junk food to satisfy hunger or a quick snack, cardiac issues in children are on the rise. The idea of a chubby child is changing. In the days of the yore, chubby children were a statue symbol, i.e. Khaate-peete ghar ka hai, roughly translated as belonging to an affluent family. However, today the idea of a chubby or an over-weight baby is alarming.
We live in an era where diabetes is now a lifestyle disease and is no longer the disease of the rich. It is common for babies to be born with diabetes or if anyone of the parent is suffering from it, the child will have higher chances of carrying it. Diabetes is one of the major causes of heart conditions in children. Apart from diabetes, it so happens that many babies are born with heart defects. It is alarmingly common today.
While there are advanced torch tests that are carried out during one’s pregnancy and even the high-tech ultrasounds sometimes defects go undetected. Such defects come into light once the baby has been born. Furthermore, if there is a history of heart disease in the family, getting a pediatric specialists opinion at the earliest is advised.
However, when it comes to treating heart defects or cardiac issues in children, it is best to consult a pediatric specialist.
It is normal for middle-aged people or even adults as young as their early twenties to visit a cardiologist. But for new born babies or children under the age of 8, it is advised to see a pediatric cardiologist. Why? One may argue that cardiologists and pediatric cardiologists are one and the same. They both happen to be cardiologists at the end of the day, don’t they? But the difference lies in the details. A pediatric cardiologist is trained in handling children’s cardiac cases. Therefore, they are aware of the techniques that can be used in children, the complication that may arise and other requirements.
Additionally, unlike a cardiologist who specializes in adult cases, a pediatric cardiologist is trained in handling newborns and young children. He/she will have trained in the pediatric ward of hospitals before taking up this specific specialization.
While the physiognomy is the same, a child’s body is way too delicate and the heart, more so. Therefore, when seeking advice from a pediatric cardiologist, it is best one goes by recommendations or tries to find out the best possible options. Treating a child for cardiac diseases is a delicate matter and takes a toll on the parents emotionally, mentally and of course, financially.
So when heading to a pediatric cardiac specialist, one must remember to:
- Note down all the questions one needs to know about the child’s heart-health. What are the triggers, what to avoid and how to go about the treatment.
- Once the check-up is done, stick around to spend more time understanding the procedure required, if any.
- What are the causes need to be known – birth defect or genetic.
- What are the child’s chances in case of serious heart problems?
- In times like these when the parents of the child feel most vulnerable, it is best that family members or friends who are trustworthy accompany the parents.
While the idea of heart disease in a newborn is daunting, fortunately for us, the advance medical aid available steps in to give one new hope. Additionally, trusting your pediatric specialist for the diagnosis is half the battle won!