Impressive Magazine

Make Some Extra Cash On Your Remaining Server Rack Space

Do you have some additional server rack space that is just sitting there in your server room? If so, you may be thinking about how to make some money off of this space. After all, you are paying money to power up the server, yet it is not going anywhere and you are not storing anything on it.

You might as well try to figure out what all you can do and what sorts of options you have available for making some money off of this space. While there is no clear cut option when it comes to making money off of this available server space, there are a few different options out there for you to consider.

Rent it Out

If you have open space, rent it out. Naturally, this is going to depend on how much open space you have, but if it is a considerable amount, one of the best server rack solutions available to you is to simply, rent out the open space.

You can discuss the required amount of space with local small businesses that need some server assistance but do not need a dedicated server on their own. You can also talk to neighbors as well, as if they use a large amount of computer storage and require multiple computers inside of the home, this is an option for you to look into.

If you are using a 42u server cabinet, chances are you may have a considerable amount of space, so renting out your available server space should help bring in some money and not only make up for what you are spending regarding your electric bill, but help you net a gain off of it as well. You just need to check around and find out with larger server providers are charging so you can undercut it.

Additional Backup Space

Now, you may not have people coming to use your added server space for their own, personal or small business server. Even if that is now the case, you are still able to rent out the space for simple backup purposes. This way, people are able to just store and backup important files on your server.

This is helpful for people who do not want to go out and purchase large sizes of storage drives, this is an available option for you to look into. Again, you do need to pitch yourself and your services so you may need to charge less than what other service providers, but it is an available option.


Virtualization is an excellent way for you to bring in additional money through your 42u server cabinet. This allows you to run several different servers off of all the different equipment you have running. So, while you may pay a large amount for the electrical bills throughout the year, you can still host several servers through virtualization which really gives you some of the best server rack solutions out there. You just need to weigh all of your options.

+Katrina  is a leader in the IT industry custom solution and innovative ideas as a product specialist for