Important Features In Showers For Seniors

If you’re a senior citizen or a caregiver, the bathroom can be a dangerous place for people who desire the level of privacy that’s usually expected while bathing. With water spraying around from the shower to moisture in the air, the potential for a dangerous fall is quite high. One way to assuage these concerns is by installing specially made walkin showers with safety features. Here are some of the things that you should expect out of your new washroom.
As people get older, joints and bones start to give out due to conditions like arthritis. If you’re suffering from one of these afflictions, you know that it can be quite a chore to get into shower or bathtub that has a high wall. Instead of forcing yourself to step over the edge of a tub when it’s time to bathe, consider installing a model with low-profile sides that only require you to lift your legs a few inches. Not only will you put less stress on your body, buy you’ll also diminish the risk of a trip-and-fall situation.
By their very nature, walkin showers get slippery when the water is running, so it’s important that the interior be made with nonslip materials that allow you to get a grip with your feet. While you could put adhesive products onto the floor, why put yourself through that extra chore that requires you to get down on your hands and knees? Even worse, these temporary stickers can wear out and start to look unsightly over time. Instead of dealing with that headache, just pick a model that has these features already incorporated.
What do you use for balance when you slip in the shower? If you grab onto a towel rack or soap dish, you could end up tumbling to the floor when it gives away. Many bathtubs for seniors come with safety bars installed that can handle a few hundred pounds of stress from a falling person.
As people get older, they naturally slow down, but they also experience pain and other discomfort while standing for extended periods of time. Instead of cutting down on the duration of your showers, you can have a folding seat installed in the stall that allows you to rest for a few minutes as you regain your strength. Don’t miss out on the therapeutic benefits of a hot shower because it’s painful to stay on your feet.
While conditions like arthritis make it difficult to step over the high wall of a bathtub, they can also induce pain when turning knobs and flipping switches. When choosing a shower for a senior citizen, be sure to pick one with controls that are easy to use with sore hands.
These are just a few things that you should expect out of walkin showers and other senior bathing options, but be sure to consult a doctor or physical therapist for additional ideas when it comes to options. A simple hot shower can be one of life’s great pleasures, but you shouldn’t have to put yourself at risk for injury.