Impressive Magazine

How To Make Your Concrete Garage Look Good

Unlike the rest of our home, concrete garages rarely get the TLC treatment that they deserve. Often used as a dumping ground for unwanted items, a parking space or a place for all your DIY repair tools, garages generally look dark, dusty and a bit worse for wear.

But fear not, if turning your bog-standard concrete garage into a sparkling, attractive part of your home seems like a daunting and impossible task, we are here to help.

Here’s our guide to giving your concrete garage a life-changing make-over:

Clear up the Clutter

Ah, the dreaded word – clean. Yes, that’s the first unfortunate step to getting your concrete garage looking how you want it to. If your garage is looking particularly bad, we can guarantee that it’s because there is just too much stuff in there. So, get out your boxes and bin bags, and sort through everything in there. You could even throw a garage sale with everything you want to give away.


Once you’ve made the decision on what you are going to keep stored in your concrete garage, it’s time to put them into categories. A good tip is to keep all of your garden equipment, tools and anything you might find at a DIY store together, ideally in a cabinet or hung on the walls out of sight from young children. Any sports equipment, including footballs, bicycles and bats should all go together in stackable bins, which could also store your winter coats and woollies.


Now that everything is organised it’s time to start decorating because not all concrete garages have to look grey and dull. Before you start to move everything back into the garage, put into practise your interior design skills. Light is key in a garage, so choose lighter colours rather than dark to make it feel more open.

Add a New Floor

There’s no easy way to say it, but a concrete garage’s floor is boring, cold and pretty much all round, dull. Give your floor a good clean before choosing a wood or carpet finish. Alternatively, you could simply deck your concrete garage out with a few rugs to keep it stylish but chic.


It’s now time to bring everything back into the garage, but this time, make the most of the space you have. That’s why storage is key, be smart with it. Shelves and hangers make handy storage options for items that you don’t use on a regular basis, such as a garden equipment. Wall hooks are also a good option if you store bicycles or other sports gear within your garage.

Add a Personal Touch

Now everything is neatly arranged in your garage, and your concrete walls have a bit of colour and life, it’s time to add the personal touches. Things like framed photographs or posters, as well as clocks work well in a garage. You might be feeling daring and decide to add a dart board in there – just check with your other half first!

Concrete garages are known to be dark, dull and cluttered – but that doesn’t mean yours has to be. Follow this short guide and we can guarantee your garage will be looking tidy, clean and spacious before you know it. Finally, a new addition to your home that you can be proud of.