Impressive Magazine

How To Make A Computer Faster

Sometimes the problems in your computer are known and sometimes they have more to do with certain software. If you feel that your laptop is experiencing something that is not complex enough that it should be taken to a shop, try the following tips to see if your laptop can be made to run faster:

  1. Sometimes when users open one window after another, unwanted and random software’s tend to get downloaded without notifying the user. Therefore, as a result of this excessive downloads the laptop gets slower and difficult to use. To prevent this from happening you can even block popup windows or clear out your downloaded software’s at regular intervals. This will keep your PC light and running.

  2. What a lot of users do not know is that several of their temporary files are often the reason why their programs are running so slow. The best to get rid of a laptop that works only if you slap it silly is by removing all the temporary files from the system.

  3. Laptop repairs can be very costly, so before you go running to someone who might overcharge you for something as basic as regularly restarting your laptop, think for a second. Sometimes people tend to simply close the lid of their laptop without properly shutting it down, this may be easy and quick but might cause a lot of problems. Hence, ensure that not only do you properly shut your laptop down but also restart it regularly.

  4. Ask a professional and download proper software cleaner. This is the basic task of cleaning done at a very microscopic and software level ensuring there is no hindrance in the functioning of a laptop.

  5. Oftentimes, you will come across a laptop screen that has a desktop filled with icons of folders, software’s and what nots. Little does this user know that this is a major reason why their laptop is as slow as it is. Keep your desktop as neat and tidy as you can to ensure it works fine at all times.

  6. How often do you look at the weather forecast icon on your desktop, did you even know you had one? Probably not! This means that it should be powered off and put away. This will prolong your laptop’s battery life and also ensure that it runs fast without stopping because of an ill-functioning gadget.

  7. People find it exceptionally “cool” when the pictures and other visual effects on their laptop screens are continuously moving and changing. This “happening” use of visual effects can damage the speed of your laptop in innumerable ways. Keep your laptop simple and functioning by shutting down and powering off all such unnecessary movements.

  8. It is strange that many people love the sight of a filled up recycle bin. Keeping it full is a terrible idea, if you have deleted something, you do not need it there, so there is no need for it to be placed in the recycle bin either. Empty it.

  9. Lastly and most importantly, keep a constant eye on all your programs and you will never have to deal with a slow laptop again.

These tips should help you fix your computer.

Marilyn Brandon is a technology buff and always comes up with easy tweaks for people to resolve issues at home. She has been very satisfied with for their help concerning computer repairs.