Impressive Magazine

How Business Can Get A User-Centric App Built

With every passing day, mobility turns out to be a bit larger. Same applies on app stores and the mobile app development market. The mobile technology, as whole, is expanding its reach, with touching almost all the aspects of our life. Since smartphones have become the key player of technology trends, we have been hearing the saying “there’s an app for everything”. Now it’s not wrong at any point.

Mobile technology – smartphones and apps – have certainly made an impeccable space in the ‘to-do-lists’ of many businesses around the world. Even smartphones and app-users have built up their dependency over mobility. Will it change? No, it won’t because mobility is evolving, getting its place in newer devices which we can wear and which we can use together with our eyeglasses. Then we have various gadgets and appliances which can be controlled with smartphones and applications.

We have already entered the mobility-driven world in which all our requirements – from personal to professional – are begin simplified with smartphones and apps. Mobile technology has proved its worth in everything we do.

Mobile app market – present and future at a glance

Mobile app market, in itself, is emerging as one of the biggest economies. Statistic from confirms that gross annual revenue of mobile app market will cross $189 billion by 2020.  Another statistic from shares that in past years, about 149.3 billion apps have been downloaded to connected devices and, it’s expected that if trends continue to go in the same way, we would see at least 352.9 billion apps downloaded by 2021.

But hold for a moment!

Before these attractive figures lead you to the way to get your own an app built, flip the coin and see its other side.

45% of retail app-users aren’t satisfied with app experience as per the latest research of Adobe. A report from backs it by revealing that average mobile apps lose 77% of all users in first three days and 90% of all users in 30 days.

All it makes is that riding with app trends isn’t easier at all. Unless an app is engaging enough, it will fail even at the initial stages. But it isn’t impossible to create an app that fully lives up to the expectations of users who find it useful, keep it in their devices and ultimately use it for the purpose it’s aimed at.

Businesses launching an app need to consider whether their app is fully user-centric to engage users or not. Here are the points to help them learn more about it:

Who is you audience? Know about them

Whether you will hire app developers or employ your in-house team, don’t proceed with an app development without solid research aimed at finding everything about target audience, their current status and their expectations from an app like yours. Before you add any special feature to your app, you must have solid foundation why you are doing so and what benefits it will deliver to you.

Stress on creating simple yet attractive UI

Things do not have to be complicated to be taken as creative. Often time, creativity is mistakenly used with being complicated but users want simplicity. They do not want to go through a complicated UI to attain their objectives. This applies to app’s UI development too. Ask your developers to make UI as simple as possible, with keeping all elements and the design clearly visible and user-friendly. A tangled UI can be the key cause behind the failure of an application.

Make it compatible with all leading OSs/ devices

Mobile market is built of tens of types of operating systems and hundreds of types of devices. Here one cannot be ignored for other. Your app has to be compatibility with almost all leading smartphone operating systems so that you could cover a larger group of audience.

Keep tabs on the internet bandwidth

Make sure your app isn’t using too much of internet bandwidth while loading and performing any of the operations. Even if bandwidth is low, the app must not lag while loading. Apps taking more than 2-3 seconds of loading time are often abandoned.

So it’s vital to keep tabs on the testing process and stress developers to conduct thorough tests for the connectivity related performance issues.

Rapidly launch your app and then release updates

The best approach to rapidly launch an app is that you focus on including the core features in the first version and then launch it in the market. This is one tried and tested way to rapidly and successfully launch an app. Now whenever launching an update, remaining features can be added to it.

This will also give a way to work on feedback and reviews provided by users. You can work on their suggestions and make changes to the app accordingly.

Stress on better security features

Mobility is spreading its wings in every direction. And no doubt this expansion is being led by apps. From smartphones to tablets, to wearable, to IoT, to smart gadgets, mobility and apps are capable of powering and controlling everything. So mobility is a getting a common place in almost all sorts of technologies but, on the other hand, issues related to security-breaches are also becoming quite common nowadays.

Users are of course aware of the threats in sharing their personal details with an app. This is why an app needs to make user feel safe and secure. It will happen only when the app isn’t looking for irrelevant access to the features and functions of the device.


We are seeing dramatic changes in mobile app industry. Every day brings in new things which directly or indirectly have a mobile-connection. But only those things will survive which are created with keeping users in mind. If an app succeeds to deliver user-centric experience, it will certainly receive success.

Author Bio

Sofia is a digital marketing expert in Rapidsofttechnologies, a prominent mobile app development company which provides ios and android app development services across the global. She loves to write on latest mobile trends, mobile technologies, startups and enterprises