Impressive Magazine

Holistic And Homeopathic Specialists In Boulder, Colorado

There are many medical specialists to choose from but what happens when you are looking for a holistic and homeopathic specialist. Are their options out there? And the answer is, yes. When searching in the Boulder, Colorado area there are many holistic and homeopathic specialists to choose from with a wide array of expertise. You can be confident that you will find the right specialist that fits the need of you and your family.

Tree of Life Wellness Center

When searching holistic and homeopathic specialists in the Boulder, Colorado area three Natural Health Centers are on the top of the list. The first is The Tree of Life Wellness Center led by Dr. Todd Nelson D.Sc. Dr. Nelson trained at The International Center for Natural Health and Medicine and has 33 years of Natural Health Medicine.

In those 33 years he has co-authored three books, has hosted a healthy radio show, and has shared his knowledge on a number of boards. Dr. Nelson has experience in clinical nutrition, medical grade dietary supplements, detoxification, herbal supplements, lifestyle counseling, stress mastery, and so much more. He emphasizes on the importance of a balance and educated approach to self-care.

The Boulder Natural Health LLC

The Boulder Natural Health LLC is owned by Dr. Julianne Neal ND. Dr. Neal received her Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine at Bastyr University in Kenmore, Washington. She has a wide array of patients with different needs.

Some patients suffer from allergies, fatigue, headaches, insomnia, ADhD, diabetes and the list goes on. Dr. Neal has specialized training in Craniosacral Therapy, Visceral Manipulation, Massage Therapy, Bio therapeutic Drainage, and Neuromodulation Techniques (NMT-level one). She understands that each patient as different needs and therefore treats every patient on their specific needs.

Her partner at the Boulder Natural Health LLC is Dr. Cheri King ND who received her degree at The National College of Natural Medicine in Portland, Oregon. Dr. King specializes in chronic conditions such as allergies, anxiety, asthma, infertility, menopausal symptoms and more. As well as partnering with Dr. Neal at the Boulder Natural Health LLC, Dr. King teaches nutrition at The Community College of Denver.

Boulder Holistic Medical Center

The third is the Boulder Holistic Medical Center with four very educated doctors with different expertise. The Center was founded Dr. Paul Berger and is board certified in Integrative Holistic Medicine and Family Practice. His experience begins but does not end with Herbal medicine, orthomolecular medicine, nutrition, first level homeopathic medicine, mind-body medicine, pediatrics, Geriatrics, and adolescent medication.

Drew Henderson, L.Ac., M.S.O.M., Dipl.O.M. is an acupuncturist, Chinese herbalist, and a shiatsu. His specialties are pain, motor vehicle accidents, addictions, metal disorders, and women’s health – including fertility. Rachel Katz, P.T., S.E.P. graduated from the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center with a Bachelor of Science degree in Physical Therapy in 1982.

Since graduating over 30 years ago she had educated herself in many areas of therapy and has even developed her own methods designed specifically around her patents needs. Her specialty and focus in Mind/Body and pain relief methods. She is the author of The Consumer Guide to Recovery from Car Accidents and is credentialed as a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner.

Lastly but not leased is a Licensed Acupuncturist & Herbal Medicine Practitioner, Elif Kuzo. She received her Master’s degree in Oriental Medicine at Southwest Acupuncture College, in Boulder, Colorado. She specializes in finding ways to heal stress, PTSD, Chronic fatigue Syndrome, Insomnia, Vertigo, hair loss, mental disorders and more.

As you can see you have many options when it comes to your health. These specialists are only a few options that you have. These specialists have a wide array of expertise and all treat each patent to their individual needs. Research your options and find the holistic or homeopathic specialist that is right for you.

Todd Nelson, D.Sc. trained at the International Center for Natural Health and Medicine, graduating with both a Naturopathic Doctor degree and a Doctor of Holistic Health Sciences degree. Aside from heading the Tree of Life Wellness Center in Denver, Colorado as a naturopathic doctor, Todd is also a co-author of 3 books.