Impressive Magazine

Health Benefits Of Psyllium Seeds

It is a low calorie content food, seeds of Psyllium contain a significant amount of fiber, Daily diet with psyllium seeds which aids in the expelling of waste. It can fight against colon cancer, Psyllium plant native of India, seeds of Psyllium contains a significant amount of fiber, psyllium seeds has been used to treat urinary tract inflammation. Which is best for reducing cholesterol levels and, consequently, contribute to reducing the risk of coronary heart disease. Psyllium seeds contain 14 times more soluble fiber than oat, . For example, 100 g psyllium seeds contain 71 g of soluble fiber, oat contains only 5 grams of soluble fiber.

Lowering Bad Cholesterol

Psyllium seeds are recommended for people who have high cholesterol, that can reduce levels LDL levels. Nutritionists recommended daily consumption of a tablespoon of psyllium seeds 10 minutes before meals that helps to maintain a healthy heart. According to the Journal of The American Medical Association, found that psyllium husk’s ability to lower cholesterol naturally.

Good Source of Fibre

It is one of the best low calorie diet, It is a rich source of fibre, which can cut your appetite, busy life schedule is also the one of the reasons to the not getting enough fibre in the diet, so you need to include psyllium seeds in your diet.

Helps to Control Blood Sugar Levels

High blood pressure can be dangerous for diabetic patients, can reduce your glucose levels in type II diabetics, a study published in 1991 in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition., better to consumption after meal, And that keeps hunger at bay.

Prevent Constipation and Diarrhea

Psyllium seeds are recommended to treat both diarrhea and constipation. It works as a natural stool softener, and slows bowel elimination. The bowel is an important function like constipation, According to the study published in in 1987, A study found that daily consumption of 20-30 grams of Psyllium seeds optimal dose that can treat irritable bowel syndrome. Psyllium seeds help to fight against constipation by removing toxins from the colon (these toxins are retained in gel), but also in preventing colorectal cancer.