Impressive Magazine

Health and Fitness For Life

You may have been sporty as a child and got involved in team games, perhaps you represented your school or county even. Now all that activity seems like a lifetime away and other things such as work and children have taken over. It’s too easy for life to drag us away from activities we enjoyed or from living the healthy lifestyle we should be experiencing. Time slips by and suddenly we feel overweight, unfit and old! Sometimes it takes a life changing moment to give us the jolt or push in the direction of a healthier way of life. Whether it’s a health issue, a death in the family or divorce, serious moments tend to make us review where we are in life want what need to change.

Work-life balance seems to be the main issue that people address first. After all, like the old adage, all work and no play not only makes Jack a dull boy, but a very sick one too. Increased levels of stress together with a heavy workload often drives us to drink more and eat the wrong things. Naturally there will be no room for activities of any kind in a life like that. So the first thing you must do is make room for yourself so you can take some time out and fit in some exercise. Harder said than done I know but what’s the alternative? A hospital bed perhaps. The information is out there so there is no excuse. You have to start respecting the wonderful body you have been given and treat it accordingly!

So you need to add some exercise into your life. Even if you hate exercise there will be something out there for you. Accept it, if you want to live a healthier life, you must exercise on a regular basis. This could be walking, but we’re talking a fair pace not a gentle stroll! Running, cycling, dance class, and exercise class, yoga, or joining a gym. The list is endless and ultimately if you want your enthusiasm to grow and last it’s essential you find an activity that you enjoy. It may take you time to find the ideal activity for you but don’t give up as it will be the best thing you can do to extend your life and feel good about yourself! If you lack motivation then why not team up with a friend and get fit together or you could hire a personal trainer. By Googling personal trainer St Albans or your whatever your local town or area is, you will find a professional close to your home or workplace. Do your research, speak to them and arrange to meet. It’s important that they understand your goals and that they instil a good level of confidence in you to keep you motivated.

Next you need to address your diet! This can be as hard as getting into exercise but there is no point in trying to gain the body beautiful and working on the external if you are not cleaning up your act and working on the internal. Not only will you see the results of your hard work in the gym a lot quicker but a good, natural, balanced diet will increase your energy levels as well as your lifespan! So it’s time to give up the take away food, throw away the processed, chemical filled ready meals and stock your fridge with fresh fruit, vegetables, lean meats, oily fish and make time to prepare your own meals. Why not invest in a powerful blender so you can get your five a day in one glass by preparing a smoothie for breakfast? Reducing the level of processed food in your diet will also instantly reduce the levels of sugar and salt in your diet but despite this, you really should make an effort to quit refined sugar and replace it with date, agave or coconut syrup. Adding in nuts, seeds and whole foods such as brown rice and quinoa will get you on the road to health and wellbeing for life! What are you waiting for, life’s too short so get a move on!