Impressive Magazine

Funny Examples Of Celebrity Writings

Whether it be Donald Trump or Lindsay Lohan, everyone has tweeted something too dumb that you can’t stop laughing.

Here are some of the funniest tweets by famous celebrities:

Donald Trump

“Sorry losers and haters, but my I.Q. is one of the highest -and you all know it! Please don’t feel so stupid or insecure, it’s now your fault”

Kris Jenner

“I feel like there’s a giant meatloaf inside of me”

Kirstie Alley


Mariah Carey

“ is everyone”

Aaron Carter

“No offense ladies but I am AaronCarter.”


“911…bush knocked down the towers”

Lindsay Lohan

“Hello Facebook. Yes, this is actually Lindsay. Welcome to my Facebook page!”

Justin Beiber

“i love arm”

Martha Stewart

“just got home, let-out the dogs, within-minutes they cornered,attacked & killed an opossum.had to wash-little bloody-mouths .life on farm”

Russell Crowe

“I love Maps”

Larry King

“I just had the thrill of a lifetime! Saw the clock change from 1:59AM to 1:00AM! I love clocks!”

Simon Cowell

“He likes dinosaurs”


“How many ladies aint scared 2 fart in front of ur man?”

Billy Ray Cyrus

“What to heck ????”

Diana Ross

“I’m not a writer but here’s a song idea Song idea
“It all get better””

Piers Morgan

“I want to die.”

Rupert Murdoch


Martha Stewart

“The head of the blue whale the largest animal that ever lived”

Danny Trejo

“Who wants a piece? Of cake that is..”

Paris Hilton

“Hey friends, I lost my blackberry. So if your trying to reach me, then text me on one of my three iPhones. ”

Britney Spears

“Does anyone think global warming is a good thing? I love Lady Gaga. I think she’s a really interesting artist.”

Ryan Lochte

“Rocks, paper, siccor……..”

John Cleese

“i am still alive”

Tara Reid

“No sometimes”

Martha Stewart




“Whats going on with mycareer”

“@gagasapostle SIT ON YOU OWN DAMN FACE !! IM BUSY !!!”

“I was looking-at tweets and saw that i really-hurt someones feelings! I’m sorry.
It was light-blue back-ground with white-egg shape . Bye”

Martha Stewart

“Do you think I am hip?”

Ryan Reynolds

“I’d walk through fire for my daughter. Well not FIRE, because it’s dangerous. But a super humid room. But not too humid, because my hair.”

Anna Kendrick

“I like my men like I like my coffee. Silent.”

Jessica Biel

“Wish I had the confidence of the woman who boldly admits they’re the Miranda of their crew.”

Katy Perry

“I refuse to speak Starbucks until I’ve actually learned Italian. #goodmorningilltakealarge”

Milo Ventimiglia

“When was the last time you were strapped in a chair with SaranWrap? Mine was 5 minutes ago. MV”


“pee pee on the street. PoPo come n get me if u can find meeee. I blame traffik.”



Serena Williams

“I like Pink. I get crushes. I’m scared of bugs. I am sensitive. I cry. I’m just a girl. I have feelings too.”

Anna Kendrick

“I’m so humble it’s crazy. I’m like the Kanye West of humility.”

Whitney Cummings

“You know it’s love when you’re not to embarrassed to give him your REAL Starbucks order”

Christine Teigen

“well i am going to bed because snoop noticed a tweet of mine where i only used one g in dogg and i’m mortified”

Steve Martin

“Just gave up my first-class airline seat to the person who actually had the ticket for it.”

Alison McKay prepared this article for Edusson platform, also she writes about how turnitin works in her articles.