Impressive Magazine

Enterprise Video Solutions For Effective Business Communication

Those who played the telephone game as children know how easy it can be to lose information along the chain of communication. Just imagine stringing that line out even further across multiple installations over a large geographic area. Effective department-to-department or facility-to-facility communication is vital to any large enterprise. Unfortunately, passing information along by the traditional methods of e-mail or instant messaging can often be about as effective as that old telephone game. As such, an effective enterprise video solution can go a long away in improving communication within a corporation.


Sharing information through video content can greatly increase the effectiveness of communication within any large corporation. Often the true intent behind an e-mail or phone call can be easily misinterpreted, as one can’t truly convey urgency and importance through such an informal medium. Using a video stream helps the recipient to better understand the importance of the information being conveyed when they can see the non-verbal cues being passed along with it, like posture and facial expressions. Perhaps that’s why studies have shown that people, in general, remember 50% of what they see and hear, as opposed to only 30% of what they see and 20% of what they hear.

Aside from helping improve the communication with an enterprise, using business video content also helps to improve the communication with parties outside of an organization. Clients, managing partners, or investors are more likely to pay attention and respond to a video file than they are to electronic or written correspondence, and the extra attention paid to developing a video to correspond is appreciated. In those companies for which confidentiality isn’t an issue, their video content can be synched with various social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.


Companies utilizing a video platform within their enterprise are able to make content more available to those with access to that platform. By providing a centralized location for video content, multiple parties can view and participate in one live streaming video feed. Plus, video on-demand capability allows video content to be posted for a longer period of time for those who need to see it. This can invaluable for training purposes as the same content can be reused again and again without losing the effectiveness of the message. Time is also saved by using for video on demand as the need for multiple parties to synch their schedules to attend one live meeting is eliminated.

Content Management

A video platform also allows for individual departments and content managers to have exclusive access to their content to make any updates that are necessary. Content can also be protected by controlling access to those who are able to see it.

Even more important than the ability to easily access and view content is the opportunity provided to the content manager to track what content is being accessed, and the chance given to the viewer to comment on what they’re seeing so that it can remain updated according to their recommendations.

The art of effective communication between multiple parties isn’t often something that just happens naturally. It requires effort on the part of all of those involved as well as the right tools to allow for the efficient sharing of information. Developing business videos to pass necessary information across multiple installations can help in mastering that art form.

Article courtesy of Charlie McCarthy of the Marketing Robot. Follow him on twitter for more tech tips and marketing tricks. 

Image License: Creative Commons by Kevin Krejci