Impressive Magazine

Educational Matters – Why Homework Matters?

Some parents are extremely sick of the fact their teens are constantly locked in the room doing their homework throughout the day. It is actually true, because our teens are burdened with loads of homework and from the moment they enter the door, without even taking the lunch they start working on their homework and assignments. This is considered as a negative approach by the parents, as all the side activities and co-curricular happenings have ended and diminished. During the elementary and the middle schools, teens used to get ample time to go out and enjoy the nature, but scenarios have changed, they are more inclined towards their projects, assignments and other projects that take and demand time as well as the efforts. Parents, therefore, often complain about the increasing amount of homework, and in some scenario, studies suggest that burdening the teen with homework does not always help in book learning and achievements. It can also be the reason of the death of your teen’s creativity and innovation as lack of time results in less thinking and pondering. Institutes and teachers need to understand that there is a big difference between burdening them with the work and giving meaningful tasks. The latter, helps in child development as it enhances their creativity and boost up their confidence, whereas if you keep on loading them with homework, it might be the reason why you’re teen is fatigued as well as exhausted. Solet us analyze pronto, why quality homework is better for the learning process of the teen.

Revision of the Lecture

Homework allows the teen to revise the current lecture of today. They can go through the main points and the context of the lecture and retain that in their memory with the help of homework. This is a plus point, as teens get plenty of time to revise what they learnt today and can also practice their thoughts and opinion regarding the material.


If they are taught report writing in today’s lecture, then they can practice it at home by comprising a draft based on that. They can get it checked the other day and can ask for corrections in terms of rules and regulations. This gives teens a leverage and influence over others, as practice makes a man perfect. Similarly, they can practice the algebraic and mathematics sums at their homes making them more flawless.

Habit of Responsibility

Finishing homework on time, gives students and impart the values of responsibility. As they are more careful as well as cautious while conducting their work. Their original intention is to make less errors and mistakes as possible so that they can be number one in their entire class. They then become well acquainted with other obligations as well as duties they are supposed to fulfil.

If Problems; then Consult

Lastly, homework allows the students to highlight points that they are unable to hold and comprehend. The next day they can visit the teacher separately and ask for more guidance regarding the subject. This will enhance their understanding, and they will be able to grasp the concept more properly.

Author Bio: A recent graduate, Alice has been always the best in his class. He shares his brilliant adventures of learning and exploring the world of knowledge through his writings submitted to Writing Service Assignment land to publish online. He is certain that many students can make a better learning journey if they read and understand his articles.