Impressive Magazine

Economic Efficiency In Data Center Management

As Data Center Managers strive to beat the competition in the rapidly changing technical arena, it is important to make sure that you are properly managing costs as you proceed. In order to achieve this, there must be a financial reality check.


The first step is to actually talk about it. Leaders and managers must not go full speed ahead and keep their heads in the sand. Furthermore, everyone must be involved in the discussion, as decisions in every department affect operating costs. Be sure that every key player, technical and non-technical, is involved in the planning and budgeting process. An IT professional might need to share information with a CFO, and vice versa.

To realize how the data center is effecting a company’s bottom line, there must be comparison shopping in regard to securing data, housing data, managing data, the cost of data breaches, and speed, security, sustainability, and application ability. Furthermore, this kind of conversation must be an ongoing item on the company calendar. Scrutiny must take place not just when initially designing your system, but this kind of examination must be a routine, ongoing activity .Owners and managers must constantly analyze the cost of ownership and operation, and be aware of every risk in acquiring and managing data centers.

What Are The Real Costs?

Every individual component in operating a data center must be examined to determine ways to buy cheaper. What is the real cost of securing data—and keeping it safe? Data centers are complicated and you must examine every system and component. You must first realize what you’re already spending, then research the best vendors and strategize to economize by making necessary changes. For example, itemize the cost of gigabytes of storage as well as low-level components, such as flash drives, CPUs, and DRAM cards. These kinds of discussions can result in major cost savings.

How manpower is being used is a crucial component. A reality check in this arena can result in cost savings, and prevent redundant expenditure. Full collaboration throughout your business entity will affect your bottom line positively.

Important in this discussion is what are possible future risks? What can go wrong? Worst scenario analysis can bring out the realities of a need for economic cushions in case things go awry.

Becoming knowledgeable about every entity effecting your company’s bottom line is so crucial now because of the coming surge in information (the IoT storm). It is predicted that the world’s volume of data will be 1.6 zettabytes in a very few years. Managing that data in a cost-effective manner takes on-going superb expertise in economic efficiency. A quantum leap in new data requires a simultaneous quantum leap in effective strategies to manage it.

To further engage this subject, plan to attend Data Center World, a conference being held March 14 through 18 at the Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas.

Follow up by learning more about the coming information explosion at the Internet of Things Summit at Interop Las Vegas May 2-6.

Katrina is a product specialist, solving issues for your computer server and power needs at