Impressive Magazine

Digital CCTV Technology

When you start looking at different types of CCTV systems you might come across names such as IP systems, analogue systems and digital systems. All of these are just names for products which protect your property but there are some important factors which you should be aware of.

It is a good idea to consider all of the facts if you currently have an older style security network and you are considering updating it to something better. Only by investigating the different types of technology around just now can we see how it is possible to make the upgrade in a seamless and intelligent way.

How Can the Footage Be Seen?

One of the big advances in CCTV technology in recent years is that of IP systems, and this is the sort of arrangement you will often see described as a digital CCTV network. They are a lot more flexible and easier to set up then the old, cable heavy analogue ones. However, perhaps an ever bigger benefit for a lot of users is that the fact that it is so easy to view the footage from a computer anywhere in the world. Add in the fact that the recordings are so easy to store and you wonder for how long people will rely on boxes of old VHS tapes and inflexible recording systems.

How Can the Recordings Be Stored?

DVR recording is a solution for property owners who don’t want to change their entire security system to a digital one but who are keen to move into the modern age. If you still use those old VHS tapes we mentioned then it could be time to make this change. It simply means that the information from your analogue cameras is recorded in a digital format which is far easier to handle, view and search. The process isn’t quick as slick as with a full IP system but with a little bit of effort you can set it up so that you can access the CCTV footage over the internet as well. If you move onto a full IP system then all of your data will be stored for you with a minimum of fuss.

Making the Move to Digital Gradually

There is a gradual way of changing from an analogue network to a fully digital one, and this is known as a hybrid system. Using this method you can have both analogue and IP cameras on the same network and working at the same time. This gives you the chance to gradually replace the older ones and move onto a modern, digital security solution over time without having to just throw out your old cameras. Perhaps you will want to use the more technologically advanced cameras in your most vulnerable areas at first and take advance of the better image quality which they will give you. The key to this sort of set up is that it is flexible and can be adapted to the owner’s needs, so that you can start to enjoy the benefits of the latest advances in this industry.