Creating A Zen Bathroom

Renovating your home can be very interesting and exciting as an experience, and the results will make your oasis of peace even more comfortable…
In such situations we all have a chance to do something new, along creative expression. One of the unique ways of improving your home is by using the design of a certain culture. Here we will show you the advantages of using the so called Zen design, as well as the art of making a Japanese bathroom.
The bathroom is a room in the home that is used daily, and the Japanese people have started paying attention to, next to clean functionality, making their bathroom an oasis of peace and relaxation. We did a little research and prepared a few tips if you want to make an authentic Zen design in your bathroom, using Japanese decoration style.
When creating a Japanese bathroom you should use a style that is similar to the one used in making Japanese gardens – nature has to be in your mind with every step. Creating green spots by using bamboo and other plants with greasy, shiny leafs is one of the key elements to creating an oasis of peace in your bathroom.
Lighting is one of the most important elements in renovating a bathroom Japanese style. Having windows and skylights in the right spot is also very important to the lighting of your bathroom. Davis Roofing can help you install your windows and skylights where you need them. To create a place that is perfectly relaxing for your mind, avoid bright lights, so closing your Venetian blinds a bit might be a good idea. Using simple, straight lines in Japanese bathroom interior style, as well as keeping the visibility of the faucets and other functional objects at a minimum, is of great importance in creating a relaxing Zen ambiance.
Color combinations should also be chosen from nature. Too light and shiny colors should be avoided, because they will just draw attention away from the created ambiance in your Zen bathroom. Don’t forget that bamboo is one of the key elements, so instead of just using it as a plant, use mats from bamboo, you can even decorate a wall by using bamboo.
This material, next to giving a Zen look, fits into the ambiance well and is very functional, because it is moisture resistant, which is very important when choosing decoration for your bathroom.
In European culture the thinking that the bathroom is a room in the home that is used in only short intervals and that it is a purely functional room is very common. Japanese people have a totally different idea of the bathroom. In their culture, the bathroom is a place for relaxing as much as a place for keeping hygiene at a level. They are used for enjoyment, and not only for short intervals and functionality.
One of the most important points in creating a Japanese bathroom is installing a mini bathtub. They are place with a clear purpose – relaxing a tense, tired body and cleaning the mind, bring forth ideas and inspiration. Their size clearly indicated that they are not placed there for cleaning the body, but for the meditative relaxation in a Zen ambiance.
Scented oils and bath salts are unavoidable if you want to create an authentic Zen ambiance in your bathroom. These products are used as an addition to relaxing in a small Japanese bath tub.
So that’s basically it you need to know about creating your very own Japanese bathroom. Peace, relaxation and meditation are the key points that you need to remember. Clean your mind and your body in your beautiful Zen bathroom.
By Milan Budimkic
Milan Budimkic is a creative freelance writer for industries that include but are not limited to the home decor, travel, entertainment, and much more. When not blogging, Milan likes to travel and read a lot.