Impressive Magazine

Coronary Heart Disease Coupled With Pregnancy

Coronary Heart Disease Coupled With Pregnancy

What is coronary heart disease. It evolves narrowing down of your coronary artery which happens to be a large blood vessel that supplies blood to your heart. This tends to arise when fatty deposits accumulate in your artery and it is one of the major reasons of heart attack all over the world. This is a type of heart disease whose risk increases once you are above the age of 35 years.

Social changes on a large scale have seen more and more women falling victim to this form of coronary heart disease. The average age of conceiving and sustained pregnancy on an average. With peer career pressure women are delaying arrival of their new born kids. One has to say that lifestyle issues do have a huge say as far as coronary heart disease is concerned. What are alarming that obesity is a major issue and the women who do smoke are at a higher number in comparison to their male counterparts.  Heart medications and pregnancy does have a strong relation and it does help to achieve control on the same.

Coronary Heart Disease Coupled With Pregnancy

The moment you become pregnant it does worsen the symptoms associated with coronary heart disease. It is more than 3 to 4 times more common in pregnant women when you compare it to non-pregnant women. Though the rate of occurrence cannot be estimated, but large women do tend to suffer from the same. Some of the possible impacts during pregnancy would indicate restricted mobility in the days to come. In fact the absorption of drugs is going to be less during morning sickness and sometimes the blood pressure can increase to alarming levels as well. So coronary heart disease is to be avoided during pregnancy on all counts.

Risks of coronary heart disease

As already stated the greatest risk arises is from heart attacks. This could be fatal and is going to leave your baby starved of oxygen. This could lead to permanent brain damage. It has to be stated that the risk of heart disease increases during labor and in this case your baby may be advised to have a C section delivery.

Hypertension is another reason for coronary heart disease and is a condition that takes place in the last 20 weeks of your pregnancy. The key point here is early detection and you would need to check your blood pressure on a regular basis if you are suffering from coronary heart disease or hypertension.

You can consult with your cardiologist on which heart medication pregnancy is safe. If someone is prescribed aspirin then it is safe to use. It is quite possible that your doctor is going to change the medication and so it is better to educate yourself about the side effects of hose medicines. This assumes a lot of importance when you are pregnant. Do point out to the doctor if you are planning to breastfeed your baby. At no point you should stop consumption of medicines unless you have been instructed by the doctor to do so.