Impressive Magazine

Competing On The Third Platform

In IT departments all over the globe there has been a lot of talk about a third platform, and how to stay afloat with all these new changes to how data is produced, consumed and managed.

Photo Credit: pakorn at

For the uninitiated, the third platform — as defined by IDC — is an amalgam of cloud computing, big data, social networking technology and mobile computing. It’s the next logical step in IT infrastructure, an evolution from the client-server model.

As this idea becomes more uniform in IT, questions are circling about how today’s businesses can implement this new platform. What tools are required to operate in the third platform efficiently? Will new ones have to be created? What can be reused from the existing infrastructure? Many of the questions are specific to an industry or company, but there are some general ways businesses can deal with them.

Tips for staying competitive with the third platform

This is the time of year where IT pros gather to make predictions for the coming year. These predictions range from changes in data management technology to the types of information technologies will become obsolete. By the end of the year some predictions may come true, and others fall flat on their face. Still, the truth is that the third platform is coming, and companies of all sizes need to be prepared for the changes.