Impressive Magazine

Choose High Performance Cloud Computing for a Mobile Workforce

However large or small, every business has the potential to meet the needs of a global online audience. The trigger is the expansion of technology in the form of social, mobile and information analytics in the cloud.

Key developments in these areas have brought organisations closer together. They have spawned a new age of high performance computing(HPC) that redefines the way people interact in work and play. Directly as a result of these merging trends, cloud computing hosting drives successful businesses to greater levels of customer awareness, thought leadership and optimum market alignment.

HPC Mobility = Cloud Productivity 
Customers and staff in almost every walk of life rely on mobile devices to keep them informed and connected. They demand both historical and real-time data awareness that can only be achieved through remote access and social collaboration. For business, this means building an HPC infrastructure that improves productivity, enables mobile integration and delivers applications as a service.

HPC cloud solutions provide staff with remote working capabilities and convenient ways to remain productive with speed, agility and confidence – anywhere, anytime. If managed correctly, cloud hosting enhances leaderships ability to make strategic decisions that improve the overall efficiency of an entire organisation. This creates a great deal of buzz around a business as market forces fluctuate with such regularity.

HPC fundamentally changes the way business can consume, organise and disseminate a volatile mix of information. It is with this type of infrastructure that mobile technologies can be used to run entire operations, in the office OR on the road.

HPC Mobility = Cloud Responsiveness 
In recent years we have seen major shifts in business technology. Laptops and desktops still serve considerable purposes, but they are increasingly being replaced by devices that provide better remote working capabilities AND are ultra convenient to use.

With the right cloud platform, smartphone’s and tablets for example enhance workflow efficiency in so many ways. These types of devices simply take remote working to a whole new level of connectivity, reliability and responsiveness.

The best HPC cloud hosting providers create on demand, remote access to business critical systems so that people can work remotely 24 hours a day. This is a tremendous advantage for professionals who can make strategic decisions without the necessity of being in the office.

HPC cloud environments are the technology infrastructure of the future. They provide the perfect platform to deliver real-time information that businesses need to meet so many diverse challenges in a tech savvy, consumerised society.

HPC Mobility = Cloud Flexibility 
Mobility has become the key enhancer of business. Yet it fails to move the needle if it isn’t backed up by the right infrastructure. HPC cloud hosting creates the flexible working environment on which to facilitate a broad range of device uptake that can be used anywhere, anytime without a dip in productivity.

It is the flexibility of HPC cloud infrastructure that enables businesses to use devices of choice and integrate BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) strategies. Having cloud server flexibility gives people the ability to work on devices they are comfortable with. This creates a tremendous advantage for you – being able to store, validate, analyse and disseminate information to relevant stakeholders, as and when they need it.

Flexibility of infrastructure in conjunction with mobile device enablement directly impacts a business’s ability to reach customers with precise, opportunistic, on-demand services and products. HPC cloud solutions help keep people engaged, supported and productive while working remotely, connecting with global audiences through flexible work streams that enhance performance and accountability at all levels of business.

In the future, businesses will be increasingly reliant on mobile devices that allow for comprehensive remote working. Adapting to market trends and customer choices will take big data analytics, social platform collaboration and mobile IT policy that keeps control. At the same time it must enable employees to be ultra-productive wherever they are located. In a mobile technology era, HPC cloud hosting revolutionises the way business is conducted and embraced.