Note- The Letters “I”, “O”, “Q” are not used in any VIN numbers.
- For instance we use the VIN code 2FTRX181XCA01212.
The first digit displays the manufacturing country. It can be a letter or number. Some of them are:
Y- Sweden, Finland, W- Germany, K-Korea, J-Japan, 1,2 and 3 are USA, Canada and Mexico respectively.
- The 2nd and 3rd digit displays the make.
Like V- Volkswagen, T- Toyota, F- Ford, B- Dodge, J- Jeep, N- Nissan, G is for General Motors.
- The 4th digit represents the restraint system type.
Like R means Hydraulic breaks
- The 5th 6th and 7th digit represent the vehicle line, its series as well as body type. It is different for different models and makes.
- The 8th digit is its engine
Like W is a sign of 4.6l v-8 engine
- The 10th digit showcases the year of the car manufacture. While B represents 1981 model, 5 is the sign of a 2005 model vehicle.
- The 11th digit represents the assembly plant
For instance, C signifies Ontario, Canada
- The digits 12- 17 indicate the unique fingerprint of the vehicle. These 6 digit make every vehicle different from one another.