Can You Afford Your Next Vehicle?

If buying another vehicle has crossed your mind, will you put time and research into getting the best one?
For many, the time comes when their current vehicle has gone beyond its usefulness. As a result, they have to shop around for something better.
Now, there is always the option of buying something brand new. Of course with a new vehicle comes the need to pay more. With monthly car payments, one could end up with a sizable amount of debt to pay off.
On the flip side, what about the option of buying a used car?
Sure, you are getting something with mileage on it, but you will not have the monthly car payments. You also can be a little less anxious over getting scratches on something that is not right out of the showroom.
So, if the time has come to do some car shopping, can you afford your next vehicle?
In considering what kind of vehicle to next call your own, remember a few pointers:
In being able to find and afford the right vehicle, will you drive off with a winner?