Impressive Magazine

Buy Fair Trade & Do The Right Thing This Christmas

With Christmas just over a week away, there’s still time to buy those last minute gifts. We’ve all been busy over the past few weeks and Christmas really does seem to have crept up on us this year, partly due to the fact that Christmas cards and the like have been in the shops since the end of the Summer! With this approach, you almost become immune to seeing the festive offerings and, as such, ignore and put off present shopping until the very last minute. That very last minute, however, is very nearly upon us, especially given that last posting dates for parcels for guaranteed delivery before Christmas is Saturday unless you pay for special delivery.

Buy Fair Trade & Do The Right Thing This Christmas

Of course, posting dates aside, if you’re looking for that last minute inspiration for a perfect present or stocking filler for a friend or family member, we wanted to urge you to consider going fair trade and doing the right thing, purchasing an ethically sourced gift which sees those who made or produced it getting a fair price. Not only do you get a great gift for your loved one, however you can also feel great knowing that you’re helping those often in underdeveloped parts of the world.

You probably won’t even notice the slightly higher price for buying fair trade, especially when it’s as a gift, however you’ll certainly feel great inside knowing you’ve done the right thing.

In terms of where to buy from? Whilst you’ll find a range of fair trade gifts in the likes of Oxfam shops, why not go one better and buy from a dedicated retailer of fair trade gifts such as AngelShare? This great North East based company not only offers a great selection of ethically sourced products, with everything ranging from candle holders through to wicker baskets but additionally donates 5% of all sales to loan funds for developing countries.

This really is doing your bit and we strongly encourage you to check out what they have to offer this Christmas. You’ll get a great gift as well as feeling great knowing you’re doing your bit to help others at this festive time of year!