Impressive Magazine

Brief History Of osCommerce And Its Features

So, while browsing the internet, you might have come across this term, osCommerce. It is primarily defined as a significant example of e-commerce software, known for its simple use and classiness. It can be installed on any website, which comprises of MySQL and PHP services to it. Under the GNU license, it can be availed free of cost. The majority of developers have already tried their hands in this sector. In a recent statistics, it has been clearly stated that over 250,000 stores are running their bases on osCommerce sector.

Get Down to its History:

Before you even try to indulge into the field of osCommerce, it is mandatory to get down a bit of its historical effects first. In was in the year 2000, March, when osCommerce was finest incepted in Germany. It was the baby of leader and project founder, Mr. Harold Ponce De Leon. He was associated with The Exchange Project. Previously, Mr. Leon defined it to be a side thing and example study. But, by the end of 2001, he was up with his own team of experts and started taking this project into serious hands.

As per the statistics, on August 2008, over 14,000 live online sites were currently working on this program. However, you can easily declare this number to be conservative after including hosting panels app installers like Softaculous and even Fantastico.

Again, in November 2010, another stable release came into being, under the name OsCommerce v2.2. After the ever growing success of this version, came the version 2.3. It came into being to take advantage of the table less web design. It further comprises of various social networking tools.

At present, the version is termed as 3.x. It is primarily defined to be the latest re-write for adding object oriented backend. It comprises of template system, too. It can help you to change the layouts easily with administrative area password and username. The finest version is 3.0.2, as released on August 2011.

Features to Work on:

Now, you cannot deny the importance of osCommerce. And to know a bit more about it, it is always a good idea to check out on the features. And some of those are currently listed below:

It helps in changing the layouts to make those quick and easily adaptable. It can even allow easy integration with special support for dynamic changes.

It can work wonder with the PHP 4 versions, and the features are designed to create unique solutions. This package comprises of object oriented backend, along with special multilingual support.

osCommerce is the finest example when you are trying to support some of the unlimited categories and products. It can even help you to add, remove or even edit categories, manufacturers, and reviews. Moreover, there is a separate administrative area, which is likely to be secured tightly with some password defined installation.

You are likely to enjoy the finest dynamic attribute relationships with products, by using osCommerce. There are some HTML based descriptions available, along with automated special displays available over here. If the customers want, they can easily subscribe to some products, for receiving emails, whenever anything new crops up.

Other renditions to look into:

Apart from the points clearly mentioned above, osCommerce development comes with some other features too. Those are well-segmented under frontend or customer functionality, tax functionality and shipping functionality. It is always advisable to start using it, before you even plan to learn about the features. Once it has been done, it will be easier for you to work on the best e-commerce sector of all time.

Author Bio:- Alex is a Web Developer, Editor and Contributor at AIS Technolabs – a Web-design and Development Company. Helping global businesses with unique and engaging tools for their business.