Impressive Magazine

Battle Of The Techs: A Look At The Never-ending Battle Of iPhone vs. Android

The world of technology has completely changed since smartphones became an intigral part of people’s daily lives. While there are a few options when it comes to handheld devices and smartphones, iPhone and Android remain among the most popular choices. Here are some major differences between the two and things you should consider before purchasing your own handset.

Operating System and Devices

The iPhone, and each version that has been released, is a device made by Apple and has its own iOS operating system. This operating system only runs on Apple approved devices, such as iPhones and iPads. Whereas Android is an operating system that runs on multiple different phones and devices. For Android, this is great because it runs on a variety of different manufactured phones including Samsung, HTC, Acer, LG, Motorola and more. This means that if you are someone who loves Android, but don’t love a specific phone size or the features it offers, you can get the same operating system on a different phone model. With Apple, you are very limited in the amount of devices you can work with. So even if you don’t like the iPhone screen size, then you do much about it considering iOS only runs on Apple devices.

App Store

Keeping in mind the operating system and devices available on each phone, it’s now best to look at the app stores available to each line of phone. For those using Bell phone service, you can access either app store depending on what device you run. iPhone users can download apps from the iTunes store, whereas Android users can download their apps from the Google Play store. One thing to keep in mind here is that nearly anyone can be a developer for Android apps, and therefore you aren’t always sure what you are downloading or the quality of the app. Furthermore, Android apps aren’t set to run on one specific screen size or at a set pixel rate, which means if you have a phone that is on one end of the spectrum in terms of being very large or rather small, then you can’t be sure how your apps will visibly look. The iTunes store, however, has very strict guidelines as to who and what they allow to be sold as apps. They have a very stringing policy that they put their developers through, which makes their apps more reliable and trustworthy. Furthermore, you know the apps will run correctly, since they are only on Apple specific devices.


Using your iPhone or Android device isn’t just about your smartphone, it could also potentially be about your tablet and computer devices as well. While Android does offer the ability to sync between Android-compatible devices, it is not nearly as fluid as that between the iPhone, iPad and Apple computers. Syncing between devices requires an internet connection, like that of Internet, which will open up to a completely new world of running your devices seamlessly between one another.

There is a lot more than meets the eye when it goes into what the iPhone and Android systems offer. However, these three areas are specifically the most of interest to the common consumer. Consider these areas as you decide which device you’d like to have for your smartphone needs.