Impressive Magazine

Android Apps for Tablets

Apps for Tablets
Apps for Tablets

It is quite different to describe the tablet fully as its functions remain undefined. For instance, one may say a tablet is a Smartphone without the capacity of making calls. Another person, of different thought, may say it is a netbook, which, only closes with a flip-open case. Whichever the case, these devices have made an impact on people’s lives. With most tablets having the android platform, users are yet to see numerous applications designed to run specifically on the tablet. Android tablet owners who, in the past, have used the Apple ipad will testify that there are many applications for the ipad than the android tablets. Nevertheless, with the competition, android still has several applications specifically designed for tablet.

Sending post mails is somehow becoming outdated as time elapses. In order to ensure that postcard are no longer used, android tablet users can make good use of the Touchnote app. It allows users to capture images, add pictures to them, and send the pictures as emails to the desired recipients. It is a free download app. However, you might incur few charges for your post cards. This apps claims delivery period of not more than 96 hours, users testify that it is as convenient as it is faster compared to the ordinary postal postcards. Users can also use this app to upload pictures on their social network sites.

PocketCloud Pro Remote Desktop
The PocketCloud remote Pro desktop allows addicted desktop users to find an easy transition as they move to using android tablets. One may wonder why a tablet would need a remote desktop. Well it is quite simple. The desktop remote transforms the tablet into a complete connective device therefore making easier the process of transferring data between two tablets or a tablet and a desktop. Filling the gap between the traditional desktop and the tablets is made easy using this app. One can carry data in a specific cloud and transfer it from one device to another without prior connection. Users can also rely on high connectivity speed if they require prior connections.

Since the dawn of web enabled portable devices; one of the most intriguing features ever developed is the use of online maps. Poynt Corporation stepped up its effort to produce a new application for the android tablet. The Poynt app is a definite point scorer for several users. Maps and locations can now be achieved by voice commands. Similarly, historical background of various places you want to visit and other information such as testimonials and complaints also appear as a search result if you so wish.

Google Widgets
No android platform is complete without the Google widgets. From the mail provider– Gmail, to the online document processors, users can find better reason not to use the common data processing software if they are carrying highly sensible documents. Google Docs, for instance, is able to make automatic saves on your work every ten seconds without having to set it. Additionally, getting emails and feeds is quite effective as they appear in your tablet’s home screen after a set interval.


Author’s Bio: Olivia Kane is a freelance writer, professional blogger, and social media enthusiast. Her blog focuses on internet bloggers, technology bloggers and telecom bloggers. You can follow him on Google+ and Twitter.