Impressive Magazine


A grey route is one of the three categories of internet routes, dedicated to the development of tools that internet service providers, network operators, and  end users can use to troubleshoot internet routing and policy problems.

These arrangements fall outside the regular course of business between the licensed telecom companies in each country. The grey part of the route is usually at the far end where the call is terminated. Up to that point, there are normal arrangements to deliver the call from the subscriber to the sending carrier and between the sending carrier and the satellite or cable operator for the trunk part of the call. The greyness arises because at the far end the call is made to appear as if it originates locally, as a domestic call, rather than a more expensive international call.

But when it comes to sending out large number of text messages, one method of sending unfeasibly cheap messages is through grey routes. Typically a grey route will send messages via another country, without paying an interconnect fee to one of the networks involved. This is how it can charge its customers with a minimal fee –because it is not paying the networks.


There are many grey route service providers in the company known as the VoIP service providers. These companies monitor the traffic to ensure that the customers get uncompromising call quality to all destinations and high level of technical support. It is often advisable to use grey route services with the help of VoIP service providers. The good companies provide mobile securities providing their subscribers worldwide. They offer products designs to protect all services on both fixed and mobile networks through in-network and cloud solutions.

Most commonly the grey route works through call centers, which are used as front to route traffic from foreign destinations. VoIP is 100% legal from computer to computer or IP based application.

International long-distance (ILD) telephone operators have raised alarm in countries like India at the way grey market has snatched away 50% of the calls that should have legitimately been routed through them.  A quick explanation of the effect of a grey route in India and the opportunity at hand is “When a call is made from an overseas destination, the legal operator pays Rs 5.50 as termination charges to the domestic basic operator. The illegal operator passes off the incoming traffic as a local call and incurs a cost of 0.50 paise as he skips termination charges. This also means that the revenue margins shift from the local operator to the overseas operator, who pays 7-8 cents against 13 cents through the legal route.

Thus, companies and people can successfully take advantages from growing grey route market in India.