Impressive Magazine

A Complete Guide On Brain Stroke and Its Symptoms

One of the main factors that cause disability and death is brain stroke. More than 5 million of people are left partially or permanently disabled due this medical condition each year. It is a disruption in the flow of blood to a part of brain. This obstruction leads to damage of brain cells. Signs appear suddenly without any prior warning but vary depending on the affected part of the brain.

A Complete Guide On Brain Stroke and Its Symptoms

Types of Stroke

There are many Private clinics in Harley Street, London that provide information for the above mentioned conditions.

Factors Contributing to Stroke

There are many factors that lead to a brain stroke. The risk factors that cannot be controlled are:

There are many factors that can be controlled to prevent this medical condition. Some of them are as follows:


Normally, strokes do not occur with a pre-warning. The symptoms experienced by different people do not match usually due to the area affected in the brain. Common signs of a stroke are:

Effects of Stroke

It can cause permanent or partial loss of function in a patient. The degree and type of paralysis is characterized by the area of the brain affected. Various treatments can reverse this loss of function in a patient. There are many medical centres in Harley Street that provide treatment for this medical condition.

Some of the effects of this medical condition include:

If you are looking for a Private Medical Centre in London Medical Express Clinic can be a good option. We provide world class treatments and with our qualified and experienced doctors, your health will be in safe hands.