Impressive Magazine

5 Stains That Will Stay On Your Clothes Forever

It is so hard remove the some stains from your clothes, especially some kind of stains will stay for long times on your clothes. We are not willing to get stained but sometimes things go wrong and clothes get the stains. The women’s knows well about the stains and hardness, because they are on the work of cleansing the clothes. Some clothes are very precious and valuable so we don’t want to get them stained. So we have to very careful when we go out, like festivals and celebrations. There will be our favorite clothes we never want to get stained, so it is better to understand about some stains, so we can be away from them.

Food Stains

Some foods are prepared with many spices and oils, so gravy parts of the food are so heavy and thick. If those items are falling on your clothes, then you have to wash them immediately, otherwise they are going to stay for a long time on your clothes.


These items are commonly we can observe kitchen rooms, who works as chefs are generally getting these oil stain clothes very easily. This stuff is so heavily filled fatty items, so stain mark will be on clothes for a long time.


This item is well known for the mechanics who works on repairing stuff, they use lots greezeoils to apply on vehicle screws to make them run smoothly. But definitely they get these greasy stains on their clothes. These stains are very hard to remove from clothes. Even heating and applying other methods will not remove these stains completely from the clothes. These are the tough guy’s type, we can never able to remove them completely and if we wash them by mixing with other clothes, there is a higher chance of those clothes getting stained.

Blood Marks

When we get wounds we must not try to wear good clothes, let the wounds dry up or don’t let your clothes touches the wounded part. These blood stains are going to stay forever on your clothes, even if you try by the different detergents and soaps to wash off them, it’s going to take a while long time to reduce the marks of blood stain.

Coffee and Tea

Commonly, we observe many people try to drink hot coffees, sometimes few drops which fall from our lips can make a difference in your clothes. These stains are sticking to clothes for a long time, even if you wash them immediately there will be marks remaining on the clothes. So better to be careful while you are drinking any coffee or tea.