Impressive Magazine

4 Ideas To Take Advantage Of Herbs And Spices At Home

When did you use garlic salt? or clove? or mustard seeds? If you’re like me and you have a good assortment of herbs and spices in the kitchen, you will surely have happened that have more than what you consume and would like to take advantage of them before they lose their power. Ideal for a recipe has a unique and incomparable flavor, spices and seasonings over the years have become increasingly expensive. However, there are plenty of ways that serve to save money on getting them. So before having to throw from disuse, are some ideas to take herbs and spices that will surprise you.

  1. Prepare Natural Remedies

Chillies, for example, is said to have its extract anti-inflammatory properties, and is often used as an ingredient in natural balms and body creams. Try rubbing it in an area of your sore body.

You can also rub coriander seeds to combat joint pain and rheumatism, or cinnamon to relieve pain in general, especially headaches and toothaches.

  1. Make Your Own Aromatherapy

Many aromatherapy candles are made with spices. Try making your own candles scented with spices you have on hand! Some of the best are cinnamon, cloves, rosemary, vanilla and thyme. In addition you can make your own special combinations!

If you make candles seems too complicated, but still want to enjoy the benefits of aromatherapy, all you have to do is boil a pan of water and a handful of spices, and enjoy the fragrant perfume they released.

  1. Use them as Insect Repellents

Almost any herb or spice strong odor is a good insect repellent. While citronella is the best to repel mosquitoes, other insects are effective pepper, mint, rosemary, cinnamon, sage and bay leaf.

  1. Take Your Deodorizing Power

And species change the flavor and aroma of a meal, they also help change the smell of a room thanks to its deodorizing effect. All you have to do is fill envelopes with spices and place them in drawers or other areas you want to refresh and perfume, as the drawer of the shoes.

Which of these ideas to take advantage of herbs and spices is it your favorite? And lest we spend so much, we also give you some tips to save money on spices and condiments. Keep in mind that these are just some of the things you can do to save money on the purchase of spices and seasonings.